Calendar    Forms, APBA & UHPBC including Membership

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APBA Forms

2013 - 2014 NSW APBA Licence Forms are here

APBA Risk and Indemnity Form.pdf

APBA Scrutineering UHPBC Version.pdf


2012 Rule Book.pdf

Australian Power Boat Association Entry Form 2010.pdf



UHPBC Membership Nomination 2013.pdf

UHPBC Membership Renewal 2013.pdf

UHPBC Duty of Care.pdf



That power boat racing can be dangerous, your equipment could be damaged or destroyed

and you may suffer serious personal injury or worse.

If there is any aspect of this race meeting that causes you concern for your personal safety

or that of any member of your crew whether it be on the race course or the venue or the

manner in which the meeting is being conducted :

It is your obligation to bring those concerns to the attention of the Officer of the Day.

If after doing this those concerns are not addressed to your satisfaction you are advised to

withdraw from this race meeting.

Does everybody understand his or her obligations and rights in this regard ?

It is also my duty to advise you :

That the APBA insurance is a liability policy that covers your liability to the public and

non competitors and that you and your equipment are not covered by any other form of

insurance unless you have obtained separate insurance cover.

Scrutineering is a compliance check and the responsibility for the safety and mechanical

condition of your boat and equipment is your own.

Random drug and alcohol testing may take place as well as boat/engine measuring for

class compliance If you have any doubts about your ability to pass such a test or your

boat not complying you should withdraw from this race meeting IMMEDIATELY

Any Questions

In your attendance and signing of the attendance sheet you understand the Duty of Care

Statement and agree not to take any legal action against the UHPBC, any of its officers

and members or any other competitor regarding this race meeting.



UHPBC Contacts

 PO Box 161 , Windsor   NSW 2756

Clubhouse Phone Number 02-45776544 

Email Tracey aka Web Miss

The Web Miss was last here on Tuesday, November 26, 2013 01:20 PM